Talks and presentations

Like and subscribe: how to keep up after #LibraryTwitter (RIP)

VALA 2024
11 July 2024

I presented a poster and lightning talk at VALA 2024. This was mostly a way to advertise Aus GLAMR but I also thought some people might be interested in how I made it.

Library systems change: thinking with six books

18 June 2024

I was invited to keynote the 2024 ANZREG conference. I took the opportunity to talk about a bunch of things around standardisation, normalisation, and the tensions between localising and "Indigenising" library metadata in a world of gigantic centralised indexes. There's a video available and I also published the text on my blog

How to become an open source contributor by the end of this week

VALA Tech Camp 2023
19 July 2023

I gave a short talk at the 2023 VALA Tech Camp. You can check out the slides on one of my many websites.

Library Map: how generous is your open data?

Linux.Conf.AU 2021
23 Jan 2021

I organised the Generous and Open GLAM miniconf with Bonnie Wildie, and gave a talk about the generosity or otherwise of open data. A video is available on YouTube

Who else is using it? Moving to open source in local government

Linux.Conf.AU 2018
22 Jan 2018

I gave this talk at my very first, about my experiences with open source procurement after implementing Koha ILS at Brimbank Libraries. The conference website seems to have been taken down, but you can watch the video of me trying not to panic as I realise nearly everyone in the audience is an open source software developer.

VALA Conference 2016
10 Feb 2016

At VALA 2016 I gave a super geeky talk about a prototype I made for a conceptual integrated library management system that could manage loans on a "near-zero knowledge" basis. The paper, slides, and video are on the VALA website and I also wrote a shorter blog post about it

What we have and what we do

ALIA WA Symposium
28 June 2014

I was invited to keynote the 2014 ALIA WA Symposium. The text and slides are available on my blog.

I read this thing…: bringing professional development into the social media age

VALA Conference 2014
6 Feb 2014

My first VALA presentation was with some colleagues talking about a professional development project.

Technolust: the fifth column of the information counter-revolution

VALA Guest speaker event
27 March 2013

In January 2013 I wrote what turned out to be a very controversial blog post about 3D printers, where I referred to "technolust". The VALA committee were rather taken by this term and invited me to give a special talk on it. That was probably a mistake, as I wrote a talk with the most pompous title I have ever come up with.