Articles by year
You can also browse by topic, or search.
- The fantastic futures of Slow AI and vibes-based search
- Aligning open education programs with academic reward and recognition
- Six things that caught my eye
- Combining a custom Wordpress RSS feed with a webhook to make a Discord bot
- VALA 2024
- Don't bring me solutions, bring me problems
- ANZREG 2024
- Wrong on the internet
- Christmas letter 2021
- Redirecting to non-http-based protocols with nginx
- David Graeber
- Top 5 Big Library Ideas in History
- A barbaric yawp
- How to write a static site generator in 30 lines or less
- Re-live the excitement of Generous and Open GLAM 2021
- Library Map Part 2
- Library Map Part 1
- 2020 rear vision
- Recursive
- For what we will
- Empathy Daleks
- Shiny
- Internet Time
- Ephemera
- Introducing Rockpool
- What really matters
- Marginalia in the mail
- Automation workflows with GitHub Actions and Webhooks
- GO GLAM miniconf
- Marginalia 7
- What just happened
- Five free GLAM PD things
- The not-really-an-anarchist bookshelf
- 100,000 questions
- The secrets of the dead
- Marginalia 6
- A highly opinionated taxonomy of librarianship
- Marginalia 5
- Better out than in
- I accidentally built a serendipity machine
- Loving libraries IRL
- Learning how much I have to learn
- 2018 in review
- Things that must end (in GLAM)
- Marginalia 4
- Going Static Part 3
- Going Static Part 2
- Going Static Part 1
- Beginning a new approach to blogging with Eleventy
- The machine in Ghost
- Marginalia 3
- Marginalia 2
- Marginalia 1
- Have you herd about the new space for Australasian GLAM?
- Future imperfect
- Breaking Things
- Building our own house
- Watching the feeds
- Generous GLAM
- Goodbye learning 2017, hello learning 2018
- Dreaming bigger
- ghost-to-wp
- How I ended up learning to code
- Dumb luck, fear, and patriarchy
- Silencing @AusGLAMBlogs
- Identify. Not too much. Mostly collections.
- That’s classified: the hypocrisy and discrimination of Australia’s censorship regime
- Open like medical gowns, Standard as in oil
- Small-Batch Memories of The Unready
- Pocket API, more stupid Twitter bots, and hacker chic
- Hope in a time of hopelessness
- Gaiman quotes and reverse-engineering philosophy: what I wish I learned in GLAM School
- Libraries are trust all the way down
- The best things I read in 2016
- What I learned in 2016
- Zoia Horn’s Library: protecting your users’ privacy with Tinfoil
- Understanding what typeof thing you're dealing with
- Indexing Australian GLAM blogs
- Updates to ausGLAMblogs
- The Journal of Scientific Humanities
- Tinfoil
- Twelve bots in twelve months
- New Year suggestions
- My first live Meteor app
- When access isn’t even access
- Four million reasons to think before you mock Dyson Heydon
- Ausglamblogs twitter bot now has public feed listing
- Building a twitter bot part 2 - it’s aliiiive!
- Building a twitter bot using node, feedparser and simple-twitter (part 1)
- There never was a golden age of library blogging
- Burn it all down
- It’s like Uber but for the Social Contract
- Digital Transformation and Government as API
- ALIA Votes 2015
- A measured approach
- What we have and what we do
- Open Platforms and the Anti-Fragile Library
- Creative Commons, Open Access, and hypocrisy
- Dialogue: a new model for conferences and scholarly communication
- ALIA Votes 2014
- How to move from to Ghost in a bazillion easy steps
- Why I moved my blog from Wordpress to Ghost, and why I turned off comments along the way
- is moving
- Antifragile Libraries pt 2: Antifragile librarianship
- Antifragile Libraries pt 1: Antifragility and collections
- Public libraries, research and a little bit of Redmond Barry
- Addressing Selection Criteria in public library job applications
- #Ausvotes 2013 and the Library and Information Agenda
- Technolust - the fifth column of the information counter-revolution
- ALIA Votes 2013
- Julia Gillard, Terry Deary and the cultural problems with libraries
- Not just an Academic question: Why Open Access matters for public libraries
- Mission creep - a 3D printer will not save your library
- On relevance, standards and collaborative leadership
- Winter is coming for copyright slumlords
- A failure of imagination - the problem with format neutrality
- We interrupt this transmission...
- Why everyone is probably wrong about the DoJ ebooks case
- Libraries as software - dematerialising, platforms and returning to first principles
- You need an R&D culture, not an R&D department
- From selection and recommendation to curation and suggestion
- Dear CEOs and senior managers, it’s no longer ok not to know how Social Media works
- Blogs and the post-paper library
- Using risk-reward calculations in the library
- Return of the Coffeehouse: How to turn your library into an ideas factory
- What libraries can learn from public transport ticketing
- Evolution, the death of librarians and the end of history
- How do you measure the rate of mind expansion?
- Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf and the Australian publishing industry
- The front line is everywhere
- Newspapers are dead, long live libraries
- Why I don’t read ebooks
- The trouble with eBooks: publishers defying the laws of physics
- Build the future?
- Pearson gets smart and cuts out the middleman
- Why a book is not a dress
- Just books - coming to a town or iPad near you?
- Booksellers squeal as Minister states the obvious
- Is our children learning? - politics and school libraries
- Bad language
- Why you should be thinking of your library patrons as an audience
- Are eBooks microfiche all over again?
- So what IS it about...?